The purpose of this section is to reinforce the transparency of WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E., offering all the information related to the company’s activity in a structured and easily accessible way.

Likewise, we have made various access channels available to you, through which you can request public information under the terms established in Law 19/2013, of December 9th, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.

Our commitment is to keep the information updated. We want this area to be useful for all users.

The information published on this Transparency Portal is structured into the following sections:

The information contained in this portal was last updated in January 2025.


WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E., is a state-owned commercial company, in the form of a public limited company; it is a company constituted for the development of commercial activities in which more than 50% of its share capital is owned by the BARCELONA PORT AUTHORITY, an organisation as referred to in letter g) of Section 1 of Article 2 of the General Budgetary Law that forms part of the public sector but which is not a contracting authority, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of Law 9/ 2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, which transposes into the Spanish legal system the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/23/EU and 2014/14/EU, of February 26, 2014 (in hereinafter, the “LCSP”).

In terms of public sector contracting, given the commercial nature of the company’s purpose and activity, WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A. S.M.E., subject to the provisions of Article 3.3, Section d) of Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, does not constitute a contracting authority.





Creación de un canal interno de denuncias (Apartado 8) seguro, confidencial y anónimo: [email protected] y detección de potenciales riesgos, indicando las medidas a tomar para su minimización.




Pautas de comportamiento que toda persona que se relacione profesionalmente con el WTCB debe observar.




Principios y pautas de comportamiento básicas que todos los empleados/as y directivos/as de WTCB deben comprometerse a seguir con la finalidad de evitar cualquier práctica corrupta en el seno de la organización.




WTCB mantiene una política de tolerancia cero ante la concurrencia en toda su organización de conductas constitutivas de acoso sexual o acoso por razón de sexo y se dan las pautas a seguir para su prevención y, en su caso, las acciones a tomar ante un caso de acoso Sexual.




In the following links you can find information on all contracts and statistical data.


Licitaciones y contratos (Plataforma de Contratación Vortal)


Contratos anteriores a 2020


Adjudicación directa ( art.321 lcsp )


Modificaciones de contratos


Desistimientos y renuncias


Porcentaje en volumen presupuestario de contratos adjudicados por procedimiento PYMES


Relación de convenios suscritos


Subvenciones y ayudas públicas concedidas


Subject to the provisions of Articles 3.3 d), 26, and 27, of Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts (LCSP), all contracts of WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E., will be considered private contracts and will be governed by the provisions of Articles 321 and 322 of the same legal text.

The purpose of the WTCB’s Internal Procurement Instruction is to regulate the procedure for procuring the different works, supplies and services necessary for the development of its activity with criteria of maximum efficiency and under the principles of publicity and competition, transparency, confidentiality, equality, and non-discrimination, and that the contracts will be awarded to the parties who present the best offers based on the best value for money in accordance with the provisions of 145 of the aforementioned LCSP.

The actions carried out in the preparation and awarding of contracts by Public Sector entities that are not, as is the case of the WTCB, contracting authorities are subject to administrative challenge in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/ 2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations before the head of the department, organisation, entity or body to which the contracting entity is attached or which is responsible for its supervision. If the contracting entity is linked to more than one Administration, the corresponding body of the one that has the controlling or majority shareholding will be competent.

The contentious-administrative courts will be competent to resolve any disputes that arise between the parties in relation to said actions carried out for the preparation and awarding of contracts.

The effects, modification and termination of WTCB contracts will be regulated by the private law regulations applicable to the company.

The civil courts will be competent to resolve any disputes that arise between the parties in relation to the effects, modification and termination of contracts entered into by WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E.

The information contained in Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance of WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E. contracts can be consulted in the contracting party profile and by accessing the VORTAL Public Sector Contracting Platform.


Law 19/2013, of December 9, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, establishes in its Articles 12 and 13 that all people have the right to access public information, in the terms set out in Article 105.b) of the Spanish Constitution, developed by said Law. Public information is understood as the content or documents, whatever the format or support, held by any of the subjects included in the scope of application of this title, and which has been produced or acquired in the exercise of their functions. It also sets the limits to such access to information.

Therefore, any citizen may contact the WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E., under the terms established by Law to ask for information on anything they consider they should know about its management. This request will be reviewed by the organisation’s Legal Services and will receive the appropriate response in accordance with the Law.


The body in charge of processing requests for access to public information, under the terms established in Title I Chapter III of Law 19/2013, is the legal department of WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E.
The request may be submitted by any means that allows proof of:
a) The applicant’s identity.
b) The information requested.
c) A contact address, preferably electronic, for communication purposes.


To exercise the Right of Access, the following alternatives are available:
a) Electronic processing: via email signed with the applicant’s identity.
b) In person at the Company’s headquarters: you must submit your request at the WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E. Head Office, Moll de Barcelona s/n, East building, 1st floor, 08039, Barcelona.
c) Postal mail: you must send your request to the Head Office of WORLD TRADE CENTER BARCELONA, S.A.S.M.E., Moll de Barcelona s/n, East building, 1st floor, 08039, Barcelona.


Decisions issued in matters relating to access to public information can be appealed directly before the Contentious-Administrative courts, without prejudice to the possibility of filing the optional claim provided for in Article 24 before the Council of Transparency and Good Governance..

This claim replaces administrative appeals in accordance with the provisions of Article 112.2 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.